We take into our bodies on average 500 more chemicals per day than our great grandparents. Think about all the pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, additives, alcohol, medications and anything you put on your skin that is synthetic. Were they all around 100 years ago? If you can smell it you must detoxify it! If it’s foreign, our body will try to remove it and this causes an increased stress load.
Question: How much do you know? We spend our lives proposing truth in knowing more than others think we know. I propose we think more than we ever know! Don’t think too deeply on that one. We are estimated to think approx 70,000 thoughts per day. How on earth do we control all of these? Are we aware of all of them streaming through our heads? Where do they originate, do they serve us, can we control them? What do our thoughts have to do with our health? Answer—EVERYTHING!
Autumn is upon us. How was the summer health? Did you expose a healthy looking body with plentiful energy? I find many people go around in circles trying to create a body that is energised all year round. Some form of adrenal fatigue is a real problem with our population, and we don’t seem to see a great percentage of Lean strong bodies that would survive in any primal environment. The ones that seem to keep on top of life are holistically driven and utilise all the resources of our health community. Forecasting is a way I describe reading your body for signs of imbalance that if left will elicit a clinical health problem in the future if not rectified.
Most fitness professionals have the same goal in mind when coaching exercise. Get people off the couch and get them moving more! The whole fitness industry has been assumed to be a very simple institution of basic levels of knowledge. Move people more, burn more calories and follow up with a healthy diet. I don’t know about you, but I don’t make as many assumptions about any industry now. The world is filled with an overflow of expert advice. I tend to follow functional advice, meaning advice historically achieves set goals and maintains success. Follow advice from someone that walks the talk and can reference well and communicate clearly. Look for credible letters after a name, success stories and treat your fitness trainer like a Doctor or lawyer. Hold them in high esteem and expect expert advice. Let’s dive into my best advice for exercise Pro’s and Con’s:
How many times in the past have you have been flicking channels on the television and you came across poor reception. How is it that one channel is perfect and others can be fuzzy? Maybe your aerial is misplaced, and you aren’t able to take in the necessary information to produce a clear picture. I want to use this analogy to describe the 6 channels in the human body.
The statement “LEAN for life” may conjure up all sorts of thoughts and emotions with how you see yourself now. Be honest as to what the first thoughts were when you read that statement. Was it positive? Do you really think you are in control of that funky looking bio-meat suit that seems to never do as it is told?