Getting Out of Your HeadQuestion: How much do you know? We spend our lives proposing truth in knowing more than others think we know. I propose we think more than we ever know! Don’t think too deeply on that one. We are estimated to think approx 70,000 thoughts per day. How on earth do we control all of these? Are we aware of all of them streaming through our heads? Where do they originate, do they serve us, can we control them? What do our thoughts have to do with our health? Answer—EVERYTHING! Your thoughts come from ideas you have about the world as you know it. Your thoughts become the words you speak, the actions you partake in and the eventual character you create of yourself. If you see someone who is not well. Let’s say in chronic pain, out of shape and generally not happy. Could we say they perhaps have not made the best decisions when it comes to taking responsibility for their health. This is not to point the finger or make them wrong or a bad person, it is just trying to point out a fairly honest truth. Why do we see so many unmanageable cases of this that rarely get cured? Why are we in health crisis at this time in history? We could talk again about stress, Lack of good movement, lack of good food, bad genes, poor sleep etc.. I would rather discuss a topic today that I have found to be at the root cause of many health problems: Getting Paralysis by analysis We could pick any specific topic and find all the research and experts on the planet and still not find the answer that helps us. What gives!!! OOH did you read the latest article on…. Latest research shows…. Hogwash! History has proven that eventually most research and science is outdated and proven ineffective all the time. So when do we stop and go – “I now believe…..” It will never end. So here comes my solution: Get out of your head!!! Take a rest from your intellectual mind and say hello to your biological mind. Do you really believe your body is that stupid and you need to be told what to believe and how to think all the time? That is like living as a camel being led with a ring in your nose. Evolving to a lion (metaphorically speaking) where you take control of your instincts and still take the wisdom of the forest is the next step in mind evolution. What this means is listening to your body (your biological mind) and taking responsibility for your thoughts, words and deeds. There will always be people to help you with wise intellectual ideas. We must not dismiss this at all. It is about balancing the 2 forces that keep us at the top of the food chain. But first you must question yourself. Try these great questions: Does this serve me? If everyone was to do this would the planet be a better place? Does that make sense? Is that true? Does that feel right? As Mark Twain said “Common sense- Not so common at all” Can you differentiate between pure intellect and inbuilt sense? Let’s say intellect is in the head and biological mind is in the heart. (This makes it easier to picture) You must have heard “listen to your heart more” When you live in your head and you take ideas over experience it makes you prey to memes. Memes are ideas that become viral in your system of thought Eg/ Happy meals for kids. These ideas may or may not serve you. To the degree you become unhealthy and or out of balance, you will end up intellectually stuck in your head full of mind viruses. Your memes have no regard for your genes. Once your head is overwhelmed by these ideas, suddenly you have a head that starts to kill the body. Eat that junk food, it’s OK. Don’t go walking it’s dangerous. Don’t create your dream job you’re not good enough! This leads to degenerative disease and early death. SORRY starting to sound like a horror. But it does raise a point. Your Body does speak to you, but how do we listen? Sorry teachers but Einstein stated that learning starts when you forget everything you learn at school. All this means is don’t get your graduation caps welded on. The world of real experience will teach and help you balance your head with your heart. Solutions to heart learning: Slow down and try right brain activities (Heart inducing mindfulness) [if !supportLists][endif] [if !supportLists]
These are body awareness enhancers. Daily practice is essential. You have 24 hours in the day. Try not to spend all of it in your head. It only leads to suffering. Look at you own day. Make 2 columns on a piece of paper. 1 column for Head and the other Heart. Fill out your entire day of activities onto the page. Show me a person with a balanced page and I will show you the person with a great physique and is extrememly healthy. Once that practice of heart mindfulness is running, start asking your body the great questions. You’ll be amazed at what it tells you. Until next time- Go talk to your real self. |